I am visiting professor at Brainnetome, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Aciences in Beijing. Prof. Tianzi Jiang and I (and our teams) collaborated for many years on brain atlases and deep brain stimulation.
In 2012 we applied for a grant at the Sino-Dutch Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP) for a TU/e PhD student. This project, “Improved Deep Brain Stimulation to relief Parkinson patients”, was awarded with 252.000 euro, and we could hire Birgit Plantinga for 4 years.The project proposal was qualified as 'very good', only 6 out of 29 proposals were rewarded.
The Sino-Dutch collaboration was of mutual benefit: TU/e needed high precison brain atlas information, Brainnetome needed ultra-high field MRI brain studies and clinical feedback from studies with DBS patients.
The meeting was a combination of the top of NWO and NSFC.
The meeting was presided by dr. Hans Chang (director of FOM), and dr. mrs. Jet Bussemaker (Dutch Minister of Education, Culture & Science)
It is an interesting story how our collaboration started. I met prof. Tianzi Jiang when I was invited lecturer at the 6th EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging on Ile de Berder (20-06-2004), France. At this Summer School each lecturer gives 6 hours of lectures to selected 50 PhD students, and he/she is invited only once. I was invited to talk about multi-scale medical image analysis and brain-inspired computing.
The Summer School was organized by the enthousistic Christian Roux (right) and Jean-Louis Coatrieux (left) of the University of Rennes, France.
Here I met prof. Tianzi Jiang, he was one of the ‘students’.
Another lecturer was prof. Denis Le Bihan , the inventor of Diffusion MRI, and who I could propose (as a member of the Holst Committee 2010) to our TU/e Board to present the Holst Lecture and to receive the TU/e Holst Medal on 26 Nov 2010). Here it is presented to him by the CEO of Philips Research, dr. Henk van Houten.
Later, in Dec 2018, Tianzi visited my Biomedical Image Analysis group at TU/e in Eindhoven
In April 2011, Tianzi invited me as speaker at the prestigious Chinese Xiang Shan (‘Fragrant Mountain’) Conference on Brain and Cognitive Sciences, in the hills near Beijing. Here we had many discussions with the other speakers, like David vanEssen (one of the world's leading neuroscientists), Katrin Amunts (famous for extremely high resolution brain tractography) and Jin Hyung Lee (famous for optogenetics).
Sample Text
In May 2013 my BMIA group became an associate member of LIAMA and Brainnetome. I was offered a visiting professorship.
I gave a tutorial on generalized image understanding at CAS in July 2014 at the International Conference on Brain-Mind ( ICBM’14).
I introduced the Studytour of the TU/e BME Department in April 2016 to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Later I showed them some magic gems in the hutong, eating on the street on a warm night, with roast on the table, big beers and fat until your elbows ....
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