bart ter haar romeny


Part III: 1992-2001

A visual story.

This period covers:
- Image Sciences Institute
- Scale-space research in Utrecht
- European Congress of Radiology

An overview of the many projects that we started:

First PhD students

I was the supervisor of several PhD theses in Utrecht (with Max Viergever promotor):

Luc Florack

Luc Florack received a cum laude PhD on 10-11-1993 on 'The syntactical structure of scalar images'. In 2001 Luc joined me to establish our new BMIA group at Eindhoven University. He became full professor in Mathematical Image Analysis at TU/e in 2007.

Bram van Ginneken

Bram van Ginneken received  a cum laude PhD on 09-03-2001 on  "X-thorax analysis for TBC screening". He later became full professor at Radboud University Nijmegen, where he founded and leads the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group. This group is now the largest hospital-based AI group in the Netherlands. He is CSO of the company Thirona.

Wiro Niessen

Wiro Niessen received a cum laude PhD in 1997 on 'Multi-scale medical image analysis'. He has become full professor and head of the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam and at Delft University of Technology. Active in population imaging, stroke, and founder of the compny Quantib.

SSVM 1997

I founded the international conference series 'Scale-Space' in 1989 in Utrecht. This bi-annual international conference was a few years later renamed into 'Scale-Space and Variational Methods' (SSVM).
It has grown into an established computer vision event, with proceedings in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series and is still very active today (see the LNCS proceedings 1997-2021).

Here is the list of SSVM meetings so far:

Utrecht, Netherlands, 1997 
Corfu, Greece, 1999
Vancouver, Canada, 2001
Isle of Skye, UK, 2003
Hofgeismar, Germany 200
Ischia, Italy 2007
Voss, Norway, 2009
Ein Gedi, Israel2011
Graz, Austria, 2013
Bordeaux, France, 2015
Kolding, Denmark, 2017
Hofgeismar, Germany, 2019
Cabourg, France, 2021 (virtual)

Santa Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy, 2023

At SSVM 2009 in Voss (Norway) I invited and introduced prof. Amiram Grinvald from the Weizmann Institute in Israel. He is the world's leading pioneer in voltage sensitive dyes, which enabled the revolution in optical imaging of the cortex, among which the discovery of the cortical 'pinwheels'. His work has featured on the cover of many journals.

SSVM 2011

In 2011 I was co-chairing the Israeli edition of SSVM together with Freddy Bruckstein, and the twin brothers Alex and Michael Bronnstein. The location was Ein Gedi, a beautiful kibbutz at the Dead See,

In 2018 I co-chaired the ICIAR 2018 Conference in Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, with my colleague Aurelio Campilho .

The first two chapters in the Geometry-Driven Diffusion book I wrote with Tony Lindeberg, a pioneer in the scale-space world, now full professor at KTH in Stockholm. Here I visited him at his KTH office in January 2002.  

Diffusion meetings 1993 - 1994

We organized lively workshops at Berlin, Oxford UK, Stockholm and Palo Alto, see the pictures below.
Virtually all of the members have become famous professors in computer vision. Prof. Jitendra Malik is with 222855 citations (Google Scholar) the world's most cited computer vision scientist today. 

May 1993 - Kick-off Berlin

Front-End Vision

The main result of the research at Utrecht University was a multi-scale differential geometric model of early vision, which we used extensively for (bio-)medical image analysis applications.

As the book is completely written in Mathematica, every discussed topic is accompanied by executable code, which greatly enhances understanding, and invites to 'play with the math'.

In 2003 I published the interactive book 'Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis, Multi-scale Computer Vision Theory and Applications, written in Mathematica' [terHaarRomeny2003]. It is one of the first computer vision books written as a çomputational essay, i.e. completely interactive. It has seen multiple reprints, and is used at universities worldwide.

I have been teaching the course 'Front-End Vision" annually from 1997-2019. This course was a 'base PhD course' for the research school 'Advanced School of Computing and Imaging' (ASCI), so virtually every PhD student in imaging in NL has been taking this course. This may have supported the relatively large growth of the medical image analysis field in the Netherlands.
See for more details here.

FEV class of 1998. Upper right is Alex Frangi, famous for the 'vesselness paper' (cited 4448 times), now one of the top professors in Medical Image Analysis in the UK (see also here). Next to me Arjan Kuijper, professor at Fraunhofer and President of IAPR.
More pictures in the TU/e section. 

Our focus on solid mathematical physics and geometry attracted clever postdocs in our 'scale-space' group in Utrecht.

In 1996-1997 Joachim Weickert stayed as a postdoc with me and Luc Florack at Utrecht University, where he continued his work on anisotropic diffusion [Weickert1997}] He later became professor at Saarland University in Germany. In 2010, Joachim was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for his work in image processing (2.5 M€). It is the most important academic research prize in Germany. With over 3300 citations, his book 'Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing' [Weickert1998] (a re-write of his PhD thesis and work in Utrecht, Paris and Copenhagen) is one of the most cited monographs in the field of Mathematical Image Analysis.

From 1996-1998 Stiliyan Kalitzin, theoretical physicist, stayed as a postdoc in our group. He made great progress on our work on 'winding numbers', scale-space singular points and he layed the foundations for our later work on multi-scale multi-orientation analysis. He is currently the scientific leader of SEIN, the Foundation of Epilepsy Institutes in the Netherlands, in the city of Heemstede.

Fingerprint cleanup with coherence enhancing diffusion [Weickert 1999].

CONTiNUE with Biography: 2001-2017