9-10 Nov 2023 "Modern retinal image analysis – a rich resource for screening and diagnosis", IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB 2023), 11th edition, Bucharest, Romania. Invited speaker. YouTube lecture (30 min.).
1-3 Nov 2023 "Explainable AI: A model to explain StyleGANs", Wolfram Technology Conference 2023 (WTC 2023), Champaign, Ill. YouTube lecture (30 min.). Download: Handout (Mathematica notebook).
11 Oct 2023 "Inleiding tot Artificiele Intelligentie", Fifty-One Club 's-Hertogenbosch, Kasteel Maurick, Vught, the Netherlands. Keynote speaker.
8 Oct 2023 "How does AI actually work?", Congress of the Inter-facultary Medical Student Council (IMS 2023), Amsterdam Academic Medical Center, the Netherlands. Keynote speaker. Picture. Video recording (Youtube). Conference photos.
28-29 Sep 2023 "50 jaar NVKF - De blik van de voorzitters". Lustrum Congres Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Fysica (NVKF), Sportiom, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. Video with interviews of the past presidents. Aftermovie and photo gallery.
20 Apr 2023 "Over Artificial Intelligence en Deep Learning", Probus Drusus, Nijmegen. Invited speaker (1 hour). Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
13 Apr 2023 "Artificial Intelligence", Dutch Society for Clinical Physics (NVKF) Seniors Meeting, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. Tutorial speaker (2 hours). Program and venue.
3-7 Apr 2023 9th International School on Deep Learning (DeepLearn 2023 Spring). Invited tutorial speaker (4.5 hours). Bari, Italy. Lectures & downloads.
2-9 Sep 2022 Workshop "Explainable AI from First Principles" (3 hours, all live coding in Mathematica). Speaker and co-organizer at the 6th Summer School on Imaging with Medical Applications SSIMA 2022, Oradea, Romania.
13-14 Jun 2022 Europan Wolfram Technology Conference 2022 EWTC 2022, "Explainable Deep Learning from First Principles" (30 minutes). Frankfurt, Germany. Program. See here some snippets of live coding.
18 May 2022 Lecture "How do deep neural nets really work?" (60 minutes). Zwolle, the Netherlands. Invited speaker, farewell lecture afer having served for 12 years as president of the NVPHBV NVPHBV, the Duch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing.
18-21 Apr 2022 6th International School on Deep Learning (DeepLearn 2022 Spring). Invited tutorial speaker (4.5 hours). Guimarães, Portugal. Abstract.
11 Nov 2021 Strategy discussion evening on "Artificial Intelligence", Maxima Medisch Centrum Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Invited keynote speaker (with prof. Bram van Ginneken).
28 Jul 2021 QMENTA webinar. Invited keynote e-speaker. QMENTA is a successful startup, founded by two of my PhD students (Vesna Prckovska [CEO] and Paulo Rodrigues [CTO]). Youtube video.
26 Nov 2020 Protagoras Career Event 2020. Invited keynote e-speaker. TU/e Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven.
17 Nov 2020 "Advances in Medical Deep Learning". Fall 2020 e-Meeting (3 sessions) of the Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, NVPHBV. Chairman.
13 Nov 2020 "Bridging Eye Sciences". 3rd International Conference on Eye and Genomics ICEG, Shenyang, China. Invited keynote e-speaker. Video.
10 Nov 2020 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. University of Medicine and Pharmacy 'Carol Davila', Bucharest, Romania. Invited e-lecturer.
4 Nov 2020 Webinar: Diep Leren en Zien - Artificial Intelligence . Invited keynote speaker. E-learning - Optometrist Society of the Netherlands / Santen Benelux.
10 Oct 2020 "Understanding Deep Learning and Vision", at 1010 Day, a 'bit' of tomorrow. Invited keynote webinar speaker and panelist, IEEE Long Island section, New York, USA
29 Sep 2020 InfoShare 2020. Invited keynote e-speaker, AmberExpo, Gdansk, Poland. Over 6000 participants. Speaker announcement.
8 Sep 2020 AI-drieluik: Dokteren in de digitale wereld. Federatie Medisch Specialisten. Co-organizer: NVKF. Digital meeting. Invited keynote speaker and panelist. Program. Vimeo video Youtube.
16 Jan 2020 KALCIO Healthcare Symposium: Radiologie van de Toekomst, Hilversum. Keynote speaker.
2 Dec 2019 Front-End Vision and Deep Learning, TU/e MSc elective course 8DM00, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. 24 oral lectures in 4 weeks, and computer labs.
27 Oct - 2 Nov 2019 "Vision for Vision: deep learning to find early signs of retinal disease to save vision, and learning from vision to better understand deep learning", International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV 2019, Seoul, South Korea. Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM), program. Keynote speaker, invited by Philips Healthcare.
24 Oct 2019 "Modern Medical Image Analysis and Neuro-Mathematics of Visual Perception", Honorary Chair Professor lecture series, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology NTUST, Taipei, Taiwan. Poster.
23 Oct 2019 "Brain-Inspired Retinal Image Analysis and Deep Learning", Taiwan Chang Gung University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
22 Oct 2019 "Introduction to Principles of Deep Learning", Honorary Chair Professor lecture series, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology NTUST, Taipei, Taiwan. Poster.
16-20 Sep 2019 "Deep Learning for Medical Imaging", International Summer School on Imaging for Medical Applications, SSIMA 2019, Politehnika University Bucharest UPB, Bucharest, Romania, co-organizer and tutorial speaker.
Full-day Masterclass on Deep Learning.
6 Sep 2019 "Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis", 4th International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid IGBSG 2019, Yichang, China. Keynote speaker.
3 Sep 2019 "Vision for Vision: Neural network image analysis algorithms for large-scale screening for diabetic retinopathy", Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, EMBS keynote speaker.
20 Jun 2019 "Vision for Vision: Neural network image analysis algorithms for large-scale screening for diabetic retinopathy", EMBS Long Island, New York, USA, EMBS keynote speaker.
7 Jun 2019 "On the Neuro-Mathematics of Deep Learning", 3rd Industrial workshop, promoted by the Portuguese Network for Mathematics in Industry and Innovation PT-MATHS-IN, Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal, EMBS keynote speaker.
11 May 2019 "Deep Learning for Biomedical Imaging", EMBS Turkey Conference EMBCON 2019, Istanbul Medipol University, Istanbul, Turkey, tutorial speaker.
4 Apr 2019 "A Tutorial on Deep Learning and Some Neuro-Mathematics", PoliTecnika University Bucharest Colloqium, OK Center, Bucharest, Romania, tutorial speaker.
4 Apr 2019 "Interview on Radio Guerilla, Bucharest, Romania", Podcast
14 Feb 2019 "Artificial Intelligence and Retinal Image Analysis", Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis Colloqium, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, keynote speaker.
12 Feb 2019 "RetinaCheck: een Nederlands-Chinees samenwerkingsproject voor grootschalige screening voor diabetes". Probus, Tilburg. Invited lecture.
2 Feb 2019 "Deep Learning: a look in the kitchen and outlook". Onderwijsdag AI Radiologenassistenten, Maasstad Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam. Invited tutorial speaker. PDF
25 Jan 2019 "Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Sciences", 7th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands. Keynote lecture.
17 Dec 2018 "Vision for Health". Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands. Invited lecture, 'Voice of the Expert' series.
12 Dec 2018 "Retinal Image Analysis and Deep Learning". Clinical Referee Meeting Maastricht University Eye Clinic, Castle Elsloo, Limburg, the Netherlands. Invited speaker.
21 Nov - 13 Dec 2018 "Front-End Vision and Deep Learning", TU/e and ASCI course, 24 lectures. www.frontendvision.net/2018.
2 Nov 2018 "Principles of Deep Learning with Applications  in Ophthalmology", Rotterdam Eye Hospital.
5 Oct 2018 "Automatische retina analyse". 11de Symposium Oogheelkundige Fotografie, Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam.
26 Sep 2018 "Deep Learning and Deep Vision". Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision NCCV 2018, Van der Valk Hotel, Eindhoven.
19-21 Sep 2018 Conf. on Signal Processing, Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements and Application, SPA 2018, Poznan, Poland. "Vision for vision - deep learning in retinal image analysis", keynote lecture.
1-6 July 2018 Summerschool 'International Summer School on Imaging for Medical Applications, SSIMA 2018, Sibiu, Romania. Lecturer and co-organizer.
27-29 June 2018 ICIAR 2018 - 15th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition – Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. Co-chair and sessions chair. Program. LNCS 10882 Proceedings.
19 June 2018 "Deep Learning for retinal image analysis". KU Leuven, Belgium. Medical Image Computing Colloquium, hosted by prof. Paul Suetens.
24-25 May 2018 "Deep Learning". Nederlandse Radiologendagen, De Doelen, Rotterdam. Keynote lecture.
7-11 May 2018 Course 'Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Deep Learning', Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.
2 May 2018 Course 'Deep Learning for Medical Imaging', National Taiwanese University of Science & Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
28 Apr 2018 H.Spectrum: "Design of a smartphone retinal fundus camera". National Taiwanese University of Science & Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
22-25 Apr 2018 "eCloud Health Care with Deep Learning". 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG 2018), Yilan, Taiwan. Keynote lecture.
16 Mar 2018 "Retinal Image Analysis and Deep Learning". Dutch Ophthalmology PhD-Students (DOPS) Conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands. URL.
21 Feb 2018 "Learning from the  Brain". Studium Generale Eindhoven, Blauwe Zaal TU/e.
24-27 Jan 2018 Sub-Riemannian Geometry Harmonic Analysis, PDE and Applications. Accademia
delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna, Italy. Final report MANET project. URL. Poster.
23 Jan 2018 "Deep Learning and Deep Vision". Physics@Veldhoven annual meeting, Veldhoven, the Netherlands. Program.
5 Jan 2018 "Retinal Image Analysis", Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Poster.
19 Dec 2017 "Retinal Image Analysis and Deep Learning". Klinische Refereeravond, Eye Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Organizer: dr. Koen Vermeer.
1 Dec 2018 "Vision for Health". Valedictory lecture at TU/e, Eindhoven. Invitation, invitation.
10 Nov 2017 "Learning 'Deep Learning' from the brain". TEDx Eindhoven lecture, Evoluon, Eindhoven.
Youtube movie.
10 Oct 2017 "Computer-aided diagnosis for the retina". Guest lecture TU/e-BME course 8DC00 on Medical Image Analysis, Eindhoven.
29 Aug - 1 Sep 2017 "Introduction to Deep Learning". National Taiwan University of Science and Technology NTUST, Taipei, Taiwan. Invited course. URL
28 Aug 2017 "Design Centered Learning", National Taiwan University of Science and Technology NTUST, Taipei, Taiwan. Invited lecture.
17-21 Jul 2017 "RetinaCheck: Applied research, computer vision methods, and current roll-out into healthcare". And:
"Introduction to Deep Learning for Biomedical Engineering". SSIMA, Third International Summer School on Imaging for Medical Applications, Brasov, Transylvania, Romania. Co-organizer and lecturer.
20 Jun 2017 "Mathematica's Role in the Early Detection of Diabetic Eye Damage". European Wolfram Technology Conference 2017, NEMO Museum, Amsterdam.
2-8 May 2017 "Introduction to Deep Learning". MSc and PhD course, Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Engineering School of Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. URL.
3-4 Apr 2017 "Introduction to Medical Image Processing", University of Malta, Valetta, Malta.
Erasmus Exchange Program lecturer.
21-23 Feb 2017 "Brain-inspired medical image analysis for computer-aided diagnosis".
Fourth International Conference on Bioimaging, Bioimaging 2017, Porto, Portugal. Keynote lecturer. Video of lecture  Flyer  Poster
16-18 Jan 2017 "Front-End Vision. Brain-inspired computing for medical imaging: Neuroscience, Informatics and Mathematics". National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
Three-day full-time invited course, lectures and computer labs.
15 Dec 2016 "Brain-Inspired Computing - Neuro-Mathematics of Deep Learning". Set of invited lectures in the PhD course on Advanced Computing of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), Beijing, China. Poster.
25 Nov 2016 "Brain, Vision and Biomedical Imaging". Keynote on the "National Day Biomedical Engineering", Koninklijke Academie, Brussel, organized by the "Nationaal Comit Biomedical Engineering, Kon. Academie Wetenschappen en Kunsten te Brussel. Program.
28 Oct 2016 "7T MRI investigation of the basal ganglia and development of patient-specific deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease". Prof. Bart ter Haar Romeny, TU/e, the Netherlands
on behalf of PhD student Birgit Plantinga, TU/e. Final report of Sino-Dutch Joint Science and Technology Project (JSTP2011UA018), titled Improved Deep Brain Stimulation to relief Parkinson patients . Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation, Beijing, China. Poster.
16 Aug 2016 "What can we learn from the brain? Functional brain mechanisms for computer-aided diagnosis". 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems (ICBES 2016), 2nd World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science  EECSS2016 Budapest, Hungary. Keynote speaker. Program.
21-07-2016 "High-dimensional cardiovascular analysis". Espresso Kwartiertje presentation, TU/e.
9 Jul 2016 Romanian TVR: RetinaCheck project, 20:00 daily news item (VPN to Romania). "Testul care ar putea salva vederea. RetinaCheck, proiect de screening pentru depistarea precoce a diabetului". URL.
4-8 Jul 2016 "High-dimensional cardiovascular analysis", Advanced Summer School on Imaging for Medical Applications SSIMA 2016, Imaging in Cardiology, in Bucharest, Romania. Organizer and tutorial lecturer.
9 Jun 2016 "Brain-Inspired Algorithms in Mathematica for Retinal Image Analysis", Wolfram European Technology Tour, High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Invited speaker. Schedule.
25 May 2016 "Brain-Inspired Retinal Image Analysis",  ImagO symposium of the Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht. Location: Museum Speeldoos to Pierement, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
28 Apr 2016 "The Sino-Dutch RetinaCheck project, a screening program for diabetic retinopathy in China". Shengjing Hospital, Shenyang, China. Visit of students of StudyTour Protagoras 2016 to China.
26 Apr 2016 "7T brain connectivity of the basal ganglia". Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation, Beijing, China.
Report Sino-Dutch Joint Science and Technology Program (JSTP).
16 Apr 2016 "Design Centered Learning in China: learning skills and mastering concepts. An effective new teaching method in Biomedical Engineering in China".
International Conference on Education and Development (ICED2016), Nanjing, China. Best paper award.
15 Mar 2016 "Biomedical Engineering to China: retina screening for early diabetes detection". EAMBES Fellow Meeting, Royal Academy of Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.
11 Nov 2015 "Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis". TU/e Biomedical Engineering Colloquium, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
26 Oct 2015 Invited to attend the Welcoming Banquet for King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands by president Xi JinPing and Mrs. Peng Liyuan, in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China.
21 Oct 2015 a) "The Sino-Euro RetinaCheck Project".
b) "Design Centered Learning in China".
College of Information Engineering, Northwest Agricultural &Forestry University, YangLing, Shaanxi, China.
Invited lecture.
20 Oct 2015 The RetinaCheck Project: screening for diabetic retinopathy in North-East China. Grand Challenges Meeting 2015.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Beijing, China, session 'Vision for Vision'.
9-10 Oct 2015 "Neuromorphic computing, based on a geometric model of the early stages of vision". Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Automation, Beijing, China.
2-day workshop. Organizer and speaker. Picture.
2 Sep 2015 "Brain-inspired computer-aided diagnosis of retinal fundus images for large scale early diabetes detection". CAIP 2015, 2-4 September 2015, Valetta, Malta. Invited keynote speaker. Certificate.
15 Aug 2015 "Learning Color Receptive Fields". 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'15), Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, PR China. Program.
27-31 Jul 2015 Fifth International Summer School on Brain-Inspired Computer Vision. 27-31 July 2015, Shenyang, PR China. Organizer and main lecturer.
6 Jul 2015 Brain-Inspired Computing, International workshop, 6-10 July 2015, Cetraro, Italy. Invited speaker.
29 Jun 4 Jul 2015 "Brain-inspired computer vision", Advanced Study School on Imaging for Medical Applications, Sinaia, Romania. Invited lecturer (4 hours).
15 May 2015 "Diabetes detection and prevention in China: the RetinaCheck project". BMIE Colloquium, Shenyang, China.
31 May 2015 "Kijk in je lijf". Kindercollege TU/e Xperience Day, Eindhoven. Picture.
28 Mar 2015 "2D and 3D analysis of vessels in the retina and the brain". International Society for Neurovascular Disease, 5th Annual Scientific Meeting, 27-29 March 2015, Naples, Italy. Invited speaker. Program.
18 Sep 2014 "Sino-Dutch Vision & Brain Institute". Meeting of Brabant-China knowledge network, www.guanxi.nu. Rosmalen, Noord Brabant, Netherlands.
Seminar "Doing business in China". Skype lecture from Shenyang.
22-27 Jul 2014 Fourth International Summer School on Brain-Inspired Computer Vision. 20-25 July 2014, Shenyang, PR China. Organizer and main lecturer.
12-13 Jul 2014 "Brain-inspired multi-anything algorithms for medical image analysis". Third International Conference on Brain-Mind 2014. Brain-Mind Institute, Beijing, China.
7-11 Jul 2014 "Functional models for early vision circuits from first principles". High Performance Computing: From Clouds and Big Data to Exascale and Beyond. An International Advanced Workshop. Cetraro Italy, July 7 11, 2014. Talks. Pictures.
22-25 Apr 2014 "Designing algorithms for biologically-inspired computer vision". Stan Ackermans Institute, 3TU School for Technological Design. Workshop for Software Technology and Automotive System Design trainees. Metaforum, TU/e.
3 Apr 2014 Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy in China: the RetinaCheck project. With dr. Tos Berendschot, (Maastricht University). Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. Inviter: Assoc. prof. Zhang Yunzhou. Announcement. Group picture.
25 Mar 2014 Holland Science Seminar: Exchange of Best Practices in Sino-Dutch Science Collaboration, Four Seasons Hotel, Beijing, China. Agenda.
13-14 Mar 2014 Kick-off EU MANET collaboration, Bologna,Italy.
24 Jan 2014 "De glazen patient"? Raayland College, Venray. Met Andre Kuipers (skype).
11-29 Nov 2014 Course: "Front-End Vision 2013". TU/e.
19 Oct 2013 "RetinaCheck: Brain-inspired algorithms for automated screening of retina images", keynote lecture at Yangtze River 2013 IEEE International Conference on medical Imaging Physics and Engineering (ICMIPE 2013) & 7th National Annual Meeting of Medical Imaging Physics, Shenyang, China.
ISBN: ISBN 146735886X, 9781467358866.
17 Sep 2013 Address Opening Academic Year 2013, He University, Shenyang, China.
17 Sep 2013 "The creation of Visual Language in the Field of Science", Opening China Eye Museum, He University, Shenyang, China. Poster01, Poster02, He Newsletter, pdf.
11-12 Sep 2013 "Visualization and analysis of complex brain connectivity", Symposium on Brainnetome Meets Genome, Beijing, China. Invited speaker. URL. Brochure.
22-27 Jul 2013 Third International Summer School on Biomedical Image Analysis The Visual Brain 22-27 July 2013, Shenyang, PR China. Organizer and main lecturer. MOST announcement.
8-11 Jul 2013 "Lie group vision". Workshop on Brain-Inspired Computing, Cetraro, Italy. Invited lecturer. High-level workshop dedicated to the EU Human Brain Project.
11-12 Jun 2013 "Early diabetes detection by brain-inspired computing: retinal image analysis". European Wolfram Technology Conference, Karsruhe, Germany. Recipient of the Mathematica Innovator Award 2013.
21 May 2013 "Vision for Vision - Visual system inspired computer vision algorithms to prevent blindness", Understanding Science Lecture, Bridge Cafe, Beijing, China. Invited lecture.
22 Mar 2013 "Tractography in epileptic brains", Symposium Update@Kempenhaeghe, Epilepsy Center Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, the Netherlands. Invited lecture. URL.
19 Mar 2013 "Brain Tractography - interactive visualization and innovative brain-inspired analysis", Juelich Research Center, Aachen, Germany. Invited lecture.
8 Mar 2013 "Innovative brain-inspired algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis", EIBIR Imagine, European Congress of Radiology 2013, Vienna, Austria. Invited lecture.
18 Feb 2013 "Biomedical Image Analysis - Science Class", Chair Lecture - Biomedical Engineering TU/e, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
25 Nov 2012 "PhD possibilities at TU/e", Lecture at PhD Workshop, Beijing, China.
19 Nov 2012 "Big Images", Studium Generale Lecture, Auditorium TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Invited lecture.
26 Oct 2012 Chairman Fall Meeting Dutch Soc. for Pattern Recognition & Image Processing, Black Box, TU Eindhoven.
16 Oct 2012 "Computational Vision", Lecture in Cognitive Modeling Series, Dept. of Computing Science, TU/e. Invited lecture.
18 Sep 2012 Biomimicking the brain: a world of new instruments for computer-aided diagnosis . Health & Technology Congress, Papendal, Arnhem, the Netherlands. Invited lecture. Lecture.
12 Sep 2012 "About Visual Perception and Medical Images", Commanderij College, Gemert. Invited High School guest lecture.
4 Sep 2012 Opening Lecture, Exposition Jason Eden, Gemini-South Building, TU/e. Cursor.
24 Aug 2012 "Computational physiology: Multi-orientation models of early vision", Colloquium Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Groningen University, the Netherlands. Invited speaker.
16-21 Jul 2012 Key lecturer at the Second International Summerschool on Biomedical Image Analysis. Brain & Vision: How does it work, and what can go wrong? Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. Certificate.
26 Jun 2012 "Vision for Vision", IST/e Colloquium Day, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
8 Jun 2012 "Automated Retinal Image Analysis", invited lecture at He Shi Eye Care System, He University, Shenyang, China
6 Jun 2012 "Vision for Vision: Learning Image Analysis from the Brain", plenary speaker at IEEE Intern. Conf. on Information & Automation and International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, ICIA2012, 6-8 June 2012, Shenyang, China. Lecture.
15 May 2012 "Vision for Vision: Learning Image Analysis from the Brain", invited lecture BME Research Day, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
11 May 2012 Multi-scale, multi-orientation, multi-anything vision Group Theory in the brain . Brain-inspired computing workshop. Neuroinformatics.NL, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
4 May 2012 Joint Management Meeting, School for Biomedical Informatics & Engineering BMIE, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.
3-9 May 2012 Spring Course on Multi-Scale Biomedical Image Analysis, School for Biomedical Informatics & Engineering BMIE, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.
20 Apr 2012 Chairman Spring Meeting of the Dutch Society for Pattern recognition and Image Processing NVPHBV, The Hague, the Netherlands. Program.
19 Apr 2012 "Visualization of brain connectivity for neurosurgical applications". Invited lecture, Biomedica 2012, Liege, Belgium. Program.
31 Mar 2012 Key lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Dutch Society for Clinical Physics NVKF, Woudschoten, Zeist, the Netherlands. "Help de dokter verzuipt. Multi-valued, high dimensional, high volume medical imaging How to deal with these complex new and huge images?".
23 Mar 2012 Co-chairman Workshop Epilepsy, Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, the Netherlands.14th edition of the annual international clinical symposium Epilepsy, sleep and neurocognition update@Kempenhaeghe.nl .
17 Mar 2012 Kick-off meeting Neuro-Brain Inspired Systems, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
28 Feb 2012 TVO Health lectures "Developing Biomedical Diagnosis in China and Africa". Lecture: Setting up BMIE (Biomedical & Information Engineering) curriculum in Shenyang, China. Diabetes in China?! Zwarte Doos, TU/e, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Poster.
6-7 Jan 2012 "Suitable mathematical tools for DWI data. 2nd order tensors. High order tensors. Spherical Harmonics."
USM Workshop on Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Measurements to Applications, Penang, Malaysia. Program. Lectures.
6-7 Jan 2012 "Contextual operators for DTI and HARDI". USM Workshop on Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Measurements to Applications, Penang, Malaysia. Program. Lectures.
14 Jul 2011 "How is the brain calculating? New smart algorithms for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis".  Lecture at the Sino-Dutch Summer School on Mobile & Health, 10-20 July 2011, Shenyang, China.
11 Jul 2011 "Mobility and Communication: how is the brain doing it?". Lecture at the Sino-Dutch Summer School on Mobile & Health, 10-20 July 2011, Shenyang, China.
04 Jul 2011 "Modern brain connectivity studies", Invited lecture, Three Gorges University, Yichang, China. Host: prof. Prof. Sheng Zheng (Vice Dean of College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology).
29 Jun 2011 "Brain connectivity: visualization and clinical applications", Invited lecture, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, P.R.China. Host: Prof. Dezhong Yao, dean Key Lab for Neuroinformation of Ministry of Education of China School of Life Science and Technology (SLST).
29 May 2011 Third International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2011). Ein Gedi, Dead See Region, Israel. Co-chairman with F. Bruckstein.
25 May 2011 "Navigation with DTI in Deep Brain Stimulation", NeuroTalk 2011 Conference, Dalian, China. Invited lecture.
17 May 2011 "Mathematics of the visual brain", guest lecturer at the Special TWA meeting "Brains means Business". See also the TWA report.
7 May 2011 "Life Sciences Viewing Room", poster presentation and demo. 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2011), Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.
13 Apr 2011 Xiangshan Forum 393 on the Brainnetome Project, Beijing, China. Host: prof. Tianzi Jiang, Chinese Academy of Sciences. "Brain Connectivity Visualization and Functional Modeling Research at the IST/e (Image Science & Technology Institute Eindhoven), and applications", Invited lecture.
7 Apr 2011 "Medical image analysis and private-public partnerships", Biomedica 2011, Business session. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Invited lecture.
25 Mar 2011 Epilepsy Research Workshop, co-chairman with dr. P. Ossenblok. 13th Annual International Clinical Symposium Kempenhaeghe, "Epilepsy & Sleep Update. Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, the Netherlands.
22 Mar 2011 "Modern Design Tools for Medical Image Analysis Algorithms", Junior College Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
16 Mar 2011 "Advanced Visualization in Medicine", Pecha Kucha lecture at the Health Valley Event 2010, Nijmegen.
6 Mar 2011 "Medical Image Analysis algorithms from models for visual perception", Refresher Course RC1413, European Congress of Radiology, ECR 2011, Vienna, Austria. Invited lecture.
11 Feb 2011 Dendron College, Horst a/d Maas. Science Symposium, invited lecture. Brochure. Call.
1 Feb 2011 "Experience with Design Centered Learning in teaching Medical Image Analysis", Vereniging van Schooldekanen, Kring Oost-Brabant, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Invited lecture.
18 Jan 2011 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. Department of Computer Science, Computer Vision Research Group.
Invited lecture: Cardiovascular and Neuro Imaging Research at IST/e ( Image Science & Technology Institute Eindhoven), Eindhoven, the Netherlands..
10 Dec 2010 "Diffusion Tensor Imaging: visualization, new tensor valued imaging algorithms, and medical applications".
Academic report. Biomedical Engineering and Informatics School, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.
6 Dec 2010 Universit t Bern, Departement Klinische Forschung, Bern, Switzerland.
Annual Ludwig Schaefli Colloquium, DKF Research Conference: "Biomimicking the Brain for Biomedical Image Analysis", invited lecture. Poster.
30 Nov 2010 Fall 2010 Meeting of the Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition & Image Processing NVPHBV, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Chairman and organizer.
2 Nov 2010 ASCI Annual Conference 2010, Veldhoven. "Multi-valued images in medical imaging: the applications, the mathematics and the visualization". Invited lecture.
11 Oct 2010 Medische beeldbewerking timmert aan de weg , Interview TU/e Cursor-Opinie, URL
24 Sep2010 Conference MICCAI 2010, Beijing. "Extrapolating fiber crossings from DTI data. Can we gain similar information as HARDI?" Workshop Computational Diffusion MRI, presentation.
17 Sep 2010 5 Year celebration Sino-Dutch School on Biomedical Engineering BMIE, Shenyang, China. Festive lecture.
15 Sep 2010 Presentation of "IMDI.NL", Innovative Medical Devices Initiatlive in the Netherlands", Health & Technology Congress 2010, Papendal, Arnhem, the Netherlands.
22 Aug 2010 International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. Tutorial speaker 13:00-17:30, "Multi-Scale Image Analysis".
19 Jul 2010 International Mathematica Symposium 2010, Beijing, China. "Mathematica in Biomedical Imaging Applications". Keynote speaker.
3 May 2010 Kaleidoscoopdag 2010, TU/e Wiskunde Studie Vereniging Math+, Eindhoven (invited lecture).
28 Apr 2010 Science Class BME: Biomedical Image Analysis. Auditorium 7, TU/e.
13 Apr 2010 "Imaging Research at TU/e", Workshop New Instruments in Healthcare, Rotterdam.
22 Mar 2010 Computer Science Colloquium, Groningen University (invited).
11 Dec 2009 Woudschoten Natuurkunde Didatiek Conferentie, Noordwijkerhout. "Natuurkunde aan den lijve". Keynote plenary lecture (invited).
5 Sep 2009 "Bio-Inspired Multi-dimensional Image Analysis", 2nd INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics Pilsen, Czech Republic - September 6-8, 2009. Invited speaker, workshop 'Advances in the automatic analysis of multi-dimensional data'.
3 Sep 2009

"Sub-Riemannian Geometrical Analysis and Human Vision Mechanisms", International conference on Subriemannian Geometrical Analysis and Vision, August 31 - 4 September 2009, Bologna (Italy). Invited speaker.

2 Jun 2009 "Multi-Scale Image Analysis and Human Vision", Intern. Conf. on Scale-Space and Variational Methods, Voss, Norway (invited speaker& board member).
See some pictures.
20 May 2009 "What a beneficial dose of image analysis can do . Symposium Dosis-gestuurde Radiotherapie, ter ere van afscheid Ben Mijnheer, Maastricht University. Invited speaker.
12 May 2009 "Multi-valued Image Analysis", Healthcare Symposium, High Tech Campus, Eindhoven. Invited speaker.
11 May 2009 College "Beeldanalyse", Ouderdag BMT.
6 Apr 2009 "Beeldbewerking in medische toepassingen". Lecture series "Big Images", Studium Generale, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
9 Mar 2009 "Image Processing and Perception", Refresher Course 1613 "Visualization, perception and image processing", European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, 5-10 March 2009.
20 Jan 2009 "Image analysis algorithms inspired by models of front-end vision". Focus session Brain & Cognition. Physics @ FOM Dagen, 20-21 January 2009, Koningshof, Veldhoven.
24 Nov 2008 Science Class "Biomedical Image Analysis", BMT Eindhoven.
17 Nov 2008 "Kijk in je lijf". College voor de Kinderuniversiteit, Eindhoven. Programma. Report & Pictures.
12 Nov 2008 Wiskundige modellen van medische beelden. College Wiskunde Docenten Dag 2008, BMT, Eindhoven.
7-8 Nov 2008 "Design of Computational Methods for Medical Image Analysis,based on Models of Visual Perception", International Symposium on Computational Medicine, Beijing, China. Organized by LIAMA. Invited keynote speaker (together with Rachid Deriche and Christian Barillot).
28 Oct 2008 Brain Visions, The Hague, the Netherlands. Invited person to be interviewed on stage. Program.
Organized by Stichting Toekomstbeeld der techniek (STT).
15 Oct 2008 Matrix TU/e article: "Hoogleraar gefascineerd door het menselijk brein", PDF.
10 Oct 2008 "Per-operative 3D imaging and endoscopic surgery". Annual Congres of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE), 'Broaden your scope', Amsterdam. Invited speaker. Program.
10 Sep 2008 "Designing Multi-Scale Algorithms for Medical Image Analysis, Tutorial speaker at the MICCAI 2008 Conference, New York.
21 Jun 2008 "Design of algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis with Mathematica", International Mathematica Symposium, IMS 2008, 20-24 June, Maastricht. Chairman of the conference.
3-10 May 2008 Master Class Biomedical Image Analysis, BMIE School, Shenyang, China.
9 Apr 2008 "Biomedical Image Analysis", Science Class Biomedical Engineering, TU Eindhoven.
28 Mar 2008 "Ontwikkelingen in de beeldgestuurde chirurgie", Lezing voor Nederlandse Vereniging voor Orale Implantologie (NVOI), Amstelveen.
20 Mar 2008 Lecture "State-of-the-art in Medical Image Analysis". NLT Workshop 'Molecular Imaging'.On the occasion of 10 years TU/e-BME.
17 Mar 2008 College "Big Images", Studium Generale, Eindhoven (2 uur)
26 Feb 2008 Lezing Wintergasten, Bouwkunde TU/e, Studievereniging Cheops.
11 Jan 2008 Science Lyceum, Venray. Lecture for ~300 highschool students. Lecture (ppt, 107 MB), some pictures. Announcement.
December 11, 2007 Science caf : "Het brein in beeld". Grand Caf Centraal, Eindhoven. Studium Generale. Lecture (ppt, 39 MB), NRC article.
December 3, 2007 Colloquium "Quantitative Image Analysis in Life Sciences", Molecular Biophysics Group, TU Delft.
November 8, 2007 Breakfast lecture "Ondernemen en Technologie", Kennispoort, Eindhoven.
October 29, 2007 Lecture MICCAI 2007, "Dynamic measurement of heart wall deformation",  workshop Biomechanics II, Brisbane, Australia.
October 19, 2007 Seminar "Diffusion Tensor Imaging and quantitative image analysis", Howard Florey Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
October 14-18, 2007 3 Keynote lectures on Medical Image Analysis at the Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine and The Australian Biomedical Engineering Conference 2007, EPSM-ABEC 2007, Perth-Fremantle, Australia. Topics: learning mathematical algorithms from mechanisms of visual perception; radiological computer vision applications; computer aided diagnosis.
August 28, 2007 Lecture "Image Analysis for Life Sciences", LifeTec Network Meeting, Vlodrop.
July 5, 2007 Invited lecture "Biomedical Image Analysis", Three Gorges University, Yichang, China.
June 25-29, 2007 Masterclass Biomedical Imaging, Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School of Northeastern University (BMIE), Shenyang, China.
May 2, 2007 Studium Generale seminar "Big Images". Eindhoven.
April 26, 2007 Technologielezing "Beelddiagnose met de computer: afkijken van het brein", Kennispoort.
April 17, 2007 Guest seminar "Biomedical Image Analysis", Raayland College, Venray. Project "In de Diepte".
April 9-14, 2007 Masterclass Biomedical Imaging, Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School of Northeastern University (BMIE), Shenyang, China.
March 29, 2007 Festive speaker 25-jubileum Ad Maas and Nout Renders, NVKF, Verkade Fabriek, 's-Hertogenbosch.
February 23, 2007 "Image-guided Neurosurgery", Paradoks Symposium "Ready for Surgery", Twente University, Enschede, the Netherlands (invited). Lecture (ppt, 45 MB).
February 16, 2007 Gastcollege "De computer krijgt een witte jas", Fac. Technologie Management, TU/e.
February 3, 2007 Nationale Wiskunde Dagen, NWD 2007, Noordwijkerhout (plenary lecture, invited)
Lecture & movies (zip, 94 MB)
January 24, 2007 "Learning from models of brain function for computer-aided diagnosis".
FOM Annual Meeting: Physics@Veldhoven. Special focus session (invited).
December 13, 2006 Invited lecture, BioMed 2006, Kuala Lumpur.
December 11, 2006 Tutorial "Biomedical Image Analysis", BioMed 2006, Kuala Lumpur (invited, full day).
December 4, 2006 Colloquium AMOLF, Amsterdam (invited).
October 18, 2006 BME Science Class, TU Eindhoven. VideoCollege 8Z020. Announcement.
Streaming video: BMIA01, BMIA02.
July 26, 2006 "Brain models and visual illusions", BEST International Summerschool, Eindhoven (invited, 4 hours)
June 22,2006 "Warping a neuro-anatomy atlas on 3D MRI data with Radial Basis Functions", International Mathematica Symposium IMS 2006, Avignon, France. 407sw
June 5-9,2006 Masterclass Medical Image Analysis, Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering College, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (invited)
May 5, 2006 "Biologically inspired algorithm development for computer-aided diagnosis", Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI), Salt lake City (invited). URL  local
May 3, 2006 "Education and Research in Biomedical Image Analysis at TU/e", Vital Images Inc., Minnetonka, IL, USA (invited).
May 1, 2006 "Multi-Scale Image Analysis Applications in Biomedical Image Analysis", Inst. of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Minneapolis (invited).
April 21, 2006 "Beeld Analyse voor Kliniek en Life Sciences", TU/e 50 jaar, Alumni Dag, Auditorium, Eindhoven (invited, 1200 participants). PPT Pictures.
April 13, 2006 "Medical Image Analysis at TU/e", Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering College, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, Protagoras Studytour 2006 lecture (invited).
February 4, 2006 "Van het brein afgekeken wiskunde voor medische beeld analyse", NationaleWiskunde Dagen 2006, Noordwijkerhout (invited).
December 11, 2005 "Collaboration between TU/e and Northeastern University", Annual Meeting of the Society of Chinese Scholars and Engineers in the Netherlands, Eindhoven (invited) Cursor  VCWI  PDF proceedings
December 9, 2005 "MRI op de OK", Jaarlijkse Dag van de Klinisch Fysici in Opleiding in Nederland, Maastricht (invited). URL
November 18, 2005 "Algorithms for Image Analysis from Visual Perception Mechanisms", Dag voor de Biofysica, Leiden (invited). URL
September 12, 2005 "Biomedical Image Analysis", Raad van Advies TU/e- BME, Eindhoven.
August 9, 2005 "Modern visualization and computer vision aided diagnosis techniques". Raine Visiting Professor lecture, Raine Medical Research Foundation, Perth, Australia (invited).
August 5, 2005 "Medical Image Analysis". Keynote lecture at the International Mathematica Symposium IMS 2005, Perth, Australia (invited).
July 6, 2005 "Medical Image Analysis in the Netherlands", ZonMW, Den Haag
June, 16, 2005 "Role of Medical Imaging", Raad van Toezicht, TU/e, Eindhoven
June 1, 2005 "Biologically inspired multi-scale image analysis", Neuro-Informatics Scientific Meeting, Doortwerth (invited) URL
April 20, 2005 "Image analysis inspired by the visual system", TU/e University Lecture 'Big Images' (invited, 2x45 min).
March 22, 2005 "Mogelijke samenwerking BMT-AZM op het gebied van neuronavigatie", Colloquium AZM Neurochirurgie, Maastricht. Invited, 60 min..
March 16, 2005 "Education in Biomedical Engineering at TU/e", Joint School, Shenyang, China (invited)
March 7, 2005 "Intelligent Workstations", ECR 2005, Vienna. E3 Session 1420 (speaker, chairman)
March 5, 2005 "Biologically inspired biomedical image analysis", EFOMP Symposium @ ECR 2005 (invited, 30 min)
March 4, 2005 "The Imagine and IHE exhibits at ECR 2005", Vienna (organizer)
February 25, 2005 "Biologically inspired biomedical image analysis", Neuro-Informatics workshop, Eindhoven (organizer)
February 23, 2005 "Fysische principes bij medische beeldvorming". Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, University of Antwerp, Belgium (invited, 3 hours). URL.Local.
January 19, 2005 "Een beeld zegt meer dan 1000 woorden", Derde Reehorst conferentie wiskundeconferentie vmbo/havo-vwo onderbouw, Ede (invited). URL
November 24, 2004 "Biologically inspired multi-scale image analysis", Science Workshop Neuroinformatics: Challenges for the Netherlands, NWO, The Hague (invited). URL  Pictures.
November 5, 2004 "Een (medische) beeld zegt meer dan 1000 woorden", 48e Najaarsvergadering van de Ned. Ver. voor Mondziekten en Kaakchirurgie, Alkmaar (invited).
October 31, 2004 "The role of advanced image analysis and visualization techniques in surgery", Congress The Operation Room of the Future, MCL Leeuwarden (invited).
October 23, 2004 "Ellipse and ellipsoid fitting", Espresso-kwartiertje BMIA group, TUE.
October 23, 2004 "MathVisionTools, a high level library for image analysis in Mathematica", Wolfram Technology Conference 2004, Champaign, Ill.
October 21, 2004 "Education in Biomedical Image Analysis with Mathematica", Wolfram Technology Conference 2004, Champaign, Ill. PPT.
October 20, 2004 "Mathematical multi-scale models for perceptual grouping by orientation clustering", Duke University, Neurobiology group, Fitzpatrick lab.
October 18, 2004 "Progress in deep-structure research at Eindhoven University of Technology", EU review meeting, DSSCV projrct, Brussels.
October 7, 2004 "Multi-scale image analysis", Colloquium TNO-FEL, Scheveningen (invited)
July 4, 2004 "Biomedical Image Analysis", European Society of Biomechanics Conference, Eindhoven (45 min, invited).
June 29, 2004 "Image Analysis for Molecular Imaging", University of Maastricht (invited).
June 19-27, 2004 "Front-End Vision & Multi-Scale Image Analysis", 6th IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging, Berder Island, France (6 hours lectures, invited). Group picture (low res 140KB, high res 1.4MB). ENST.
June 11, 2004 "Work in Progress in Medical Image Analysis TU/e", Agfa-Gevaert, Antwerp, Belgium.
June 10, 2004 "Medical Image Analysis at TUE-BME", TU/e Scientific Review, visit prof. Truskey, Duke University.
June 9, 2004 "Image Analysis for Molecular Imaging", TU/e BME Scientific staff meeting, BSIK presentations.
May 13, 2004 The Glass Patient: Transparency by Imaging , Internat. Conf. "Cells at Work, Molecular Imaging Technology in Life Sciences", Life Sciences Limburg, Maastricht (invited).
April 23, 2004 "De glazen patient: ontwikkelingen in de biomedische beeldtechnieken",  TU/e Dies lecture, Eindhoven (invited). Invitation. Brochure.
March 9, 2004 "Biologically inspired image recognition", Special Focus session at the European Congress of Radiology ECR, Vienna (invited).
February 11, 2004 "Multi-Scale Differential Geometry", Philips Research Colloquium, Eindhoven (invited).
February 4, 2004 "Moderne Beeldvormings- en Analyse Technieken", 18e ANW Reehorst Conferentie Natuur- en Scheikunde, Ede (invited).
January 29, 2004 "Introduction to Mathematica 5", 3 hours course, Biomedical Engineering, TU/e, Eindhoven.
January 23, 2004 "Visualizing the human phoetus", Lecture at the inaugural symposium of prof. Guid Oei, TU/e, Eindhoven (invited).
December 10, 2003 "The Glass Patient",  Ingenieursnetwerk, Hogeschool Zuyd, Heerlen (invited).
November 25, 2003 "Work in progress at BMIA Eindhoven", MIDAG Image-Lunch colloquium, Dept. of Computer Science, University of North Carolina (invited).
November 11, 2003 "The Glass Patient", Physics on Stage 3, Noordwijkerhout (invited). Program.
October 23, 2003 "Scale-Space Theory", tutorial CBP course, Delft (invited).
October 20, 2003 "Deep structure image analysis", review meeting EU DSSCV project, Brussels.
October 2, 2003 "Imaging Physics", Studiedag Dutch Steering Committe Physics on Stage 2003, Minnaert, Utrecht (invited).
September 16, 2003 "Beeldanalyse", Rotary Veldhoven (invited).
June 28, 2003 "Front-end vision and multi-scale image analysis, an interactive tutorial", CARS @ Cambridge, Cambridge UK, Plenary Lecture, 20 min. (invited).
June 3, 2003 "Rapid Prototyping van oplossingen in de Beeldanalyse", Vision Solutions, Nijmegen, Plenary Lecture, 45 min. (invited). pdf  nb
April 16, 2003 "Vragen stellen aan medische plaatjes", Nascholingssymposium ANW docenten, Nieuwegein, Workgroup Lecture, 30 min. (invited).
March 13, 2003 "Meer toepassingen met Computer Vision", TUE lezingenreeks Ondernemen en Technologie, Eindhoven, 45 min. (invited).
March 10, 2003 "How to present and create a professional electronic poster", Tutorial European Conference of Radiology, EPOS, Vienna, 30 min. (invited).
January 29, 2003 "Medical image analysis at TUE", Colloquium Maastricht University Hospital, Maastricht, 45 min.
January 27, 2003 "Image analysis in pathology and histology", Case study Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven, 45 min.
January 23, 2003 "From data to information", Maxima Medical Center, Eindhoven, 45 min., (invited).
January 15, 2003 "Computer Aided Diagnosis and other applications of medical computer vision", Mathematical Study Societ 'GEWIS', TUE Eindhoven, 45 min., (invited).
December 8, 2002 "Biophysical models of visual perception inspire modern medical image analysis", EMBEC 2002, Vienna, Plenary Lecture, 45 min. (invited).
November 29, 2002 "Automated detection of follicles in 3D ultrasound", Landelijk Nascholings Symposium Echografie, Catharina Ziekenhuis TUE Eindhoven, 45 min., (invited).
November 21, 2002 "Progress in Biomedical Image Analysis", BMI2 Colloquium, TUE, Eindhoven, 45 min.
October 18+21, 2002 "Biomedical Image Analysis", BME presentation for VWO, TUE, 4x15 min.
October 6, 2002  "The glass patient", VWO Voorlichtingsdagen TUE, Eindhoven, 3x30 min.
September 14, 2002 "Modern imaging analysis in diagnostic medical imaging", FIDUM XVth Interdisciplinary Ultrasound Meeting, Waregem, Belgium, 45 min.
August 29, 2002 "Mathematical Techniques in Biomedical Computer Vision", Annual Mathematical Congress Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia. 60 min.
August 21, 2002 "Modern visualization techniques in biomedical imaging", Seminar Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.2x45 min.
August 19-23, 2002 "Front-End Vision and Multi-scale Image Analysis", Summerschool lecturer Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia. 15 lectures of 45 minutes, 15 hours computer laboratory. Report Michel Bister.
August 16, 2002 "Multi-scale Biomedical Imaging", Sains University, Penang, Malaysia.2x45 min.
April 19, 2002 "Mathematica 4, a modern tool for clinical physicists". Annual Scientific Meeting NVKF, Dutch Soc. for Clinical Physics, Doorwerth, 19-20 April 2002. 45 min.
April 19, 2002 "Models of visual perception in medical image analysis". Annual Scientific Meeting NVKF, Dutch Soc. for Clinical Physics, Doorwerth, 19-20 April 2002. 45 min.
April 16, 2002 "Image analysis in oncology". Annual Scientific Meeting Dutch Soc. for Clinical Oncology, Ellecom. 45 min.
April 10, 2002 "Modern visualisation and analysis techniques for medical images", ANW Nascholingscongres, Nieuwegein. 45 min.
April 9, 2002 "The physics of seeing and image analysis", Natuurkundig Genootschap, invited evening lecture, Utrecht.60 min.
March 22, 2002 "Looking, Seeing and Deciding", inaugural lecture, TU Eindhoven. 60 min. PDF.
March 1+2+4, 2002 "How to present and create a professional electronic poster", Tutorial European Conference of Radiology, EPOS, Vienna, 3x30 min. (invited).
February 27, 2002 "Innovatie in de medische beeldverwerking", Senter IOP Congres "Innovatie in het IOP", Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, 45 min.
January 30, 2002 "Medical imaging: quo vadis?", Symposium on occasion of the retirement of Roger Baert, Spaarne Ziekenhuis Haarlem, 45 min. (invited).
December 5, 2001 "Medical and Biomedical Engineering: need for qualified experts", Dutch Ambassy Stockholm, Sweden, 15 min.
November 20, 2001 "Iimage-guided diagnosis and therapy", IOP Colloquium, The Hague, 45 min., (invited).
November 6, 2001 "Front-End Vision", NWO program: Mathematische Biologie. Faculty Club, Utrecht University, Utrecht. 45 min. (chairman).
November 1, 2001 "The role of Mathematica in the education of Medical Engineering", BME in Europe, Eindhoven, 30 min. (invited).
October 31, 2001 "Weg met de lichtkasten", KLIFOP nascholing, Catharina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven, 30 min, (invited).
October 14, 2001 "Multi-scale image analysis techniques: theory and practice". Tutorial at Intern. Conf. on MICCAI 2001, Utrecht, 3x 45 min. (invited).
September 13, 2001 "Medische beeldverwerking ten behoeve van de oncologie", Nascholingssymposium Ned. Ver. voor Oncologie, Noordwijkerhout, 45 min. (invited).
September 12, 2001 "Fysica van Medische Beeldvormende Technieken", Nascholingssymposium ANW leraren, Eindhoven, 45 min., (invited).
August 9, 2001 "The brain: a multi-scale geometry engine?", PhD Summerschool on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, DIKU, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 min.
June 29, 2001 "European perspective in modern computer vision applications in medical imaging: who is leading?", Program Planning Committee meeting, ECR, Vienna, 30 min.
April 24, 2001 "Visual perception inspire multi-scale medical image analysis", Colloquium Physics of Man, Dep. of Physics, Utrecht University, Minnaert Building, 45 min. (invited).
April 21, 2001 "The glass patient: virtual reality in medical imaging", NVKF Doorwerth, 30 min. (invited).
March 16, 2001 "Imaging Technologies", IOP, Diagnostics in Life Sciences, IOP, Sheraton Schiphol. Senter International Brokerage Event. 30 min. (invited).
March 8, 2001 "Computer-aided diagnosis bij tumor detectie in de oncologie", Nascholingssymposium Ned. Ver. voor Oncologie, Lunteren, 45 min. (invited).
March 2+3+5, 2001 "Professional presentation stragegies", Tutorial Cybertheatre, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, 3x30 min.
February 15, 2001 "Wat kan beeldanalyse betekenen voor de klinische urologie?", Colloquium Dept. of Urology, Nijmegen Medical Center, 45 min. (invited).
January 24, 2001 "De rol van wiskunde voor moderne beeldanalyse", Research Day TUE Department of Mathematica, Nuenen, 20 min.
November 30, 2000 "Beeldvormende Diagnostiek, ICT en Beeldwetenschap", Congres "ICT in de Zorg", Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, 45 min.
November 20, 2000 "Scale-Space Research and Applications", University of Bonn, Institute for Informatics III, Bonn, Germany. 60 min.
October 26, 2000 "Multiscale Image Analysis". Course Industrial Image Processing CBP, Delft, 60 min.
October 20, 2000 "Front-End Vision and Scale-Space Theory: practical applications and implementations". Inst. for Mathematica and Applications (IMA), minisymposium on Front-End Vision, Minneapolis, USA. Invited speaker, 60 min.
October 18, 2000 "Differential geometry methods in computer-aided diagnosis", Vital Images Inc., Minneapolis, 45 min. (invited).
October 9, 2000 "Biomedical Imaging: Theory and Applications". Annual meeting of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering iBME, University Twente. Papendal, Arnhem. Invited evening speaker, 60 min.
September 6, 2000 "Visualization and Image Analysis in Radiology". SGI Medical Visualization Seminar, Bergen, Norway. 45 min. Invited speaker.
August 2, 2000 "Multiscale Image Analysis", Danish Technical University, Dept. of Computer Science, Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark. Invited lecture, 45 min.
July 16, 2000 "Scale-Space Research and Applications". Panum Institute, School of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Invited lecture, 60 min.
July 2, 2000 "Third and fourth order multi-scale feature extraction", Danish Technical University, Copenhagen, 45 min.
April 12, 2000 "Advanced Radiological Imaging in Oncology", Dutch Society for Oncology, Hoenderloo, 45 min.


November 23, 1999: "The Image Sciences Institute", Colloquium University of Mannheim, Dept. of Computer Science, Mannheim Germany, 60 min.
November 20, 1999: "Computer Vision Applications in Diagnostic Radiology", MIC'99, Medisch Informatica Congres, Veldhoven, 60 min.
October 7, 1999: "Developments in Medical Image Acquisition techniques", Dutch Meeting Physics Teachers, Utrecht University, 60 min.
August 20, 1999: "Advanced Applications of Medical Image Analysis", Keynote speaker Conf. on Parallel Computing PARCO, Technical University Delft NL. Aula, 45 min.
July 14, 1999: "Scale-Space Theory", Mayneord Phillips Summerschool, Oxford UK, St. Edmund Hall. Tutorial, 2 hours. Organizer: prof. Dave Hawkes.
June 28, 1999: "Computer assisted human follicle analysis for fertility prospects with 3D ultrasound", International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'99), Hotel Silvanus, Visegrad, Hungary. 90 min.
June 21, 1999: "Multiscale Image Analysis in Computer Vision", Tutorial, 4 hours. Intern. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Fort Collins, Colorado, US.

June 14, 1999:

"The Image Sciences Institute", Utrecht University College van Bestuur, Senaatsgebouw, 50 min. Festive Colloquium, signing contract with Lille University, France
June 3, 1999: "Medical Image Analysis at Utrecht University", Institutional Colloquium, Hamburg University, Eppendorf Hospital. 1 hour, host: prof. Karl Heinz H hne.
June 2, 1999: "The Utrecht University Image Sciences Institute", Colloquium MEVIS, Bremen University, 1 hour. Host: prof. Otto Peitgen.
May 20, 1999: "Multi-scale image processing: scale-space theory: practical implementations for high order invariant feature detection and statistical pattern recognition", Course: Image processing for Industrial Aplications, Center for Image processing and Pattern Recognition, Delft NL, TPD-TNO, Delft. 3 hours.
May 18, 1999: "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Functional MRI", Regular course in Medical Informatics: Utrecht University, NL, 2x45 min.
April 13, 1999: "Picture Archiving and Communication Systems in Hospitals", Regular course in Medical Informatics: Utrecht University, NL, 2x45 min.
April 12, 1999: "Role of Universities in the Innovative Research Projects (IOP) Program", Leeuwenhorst Congress Center, Noordwijkerhout NL, 30 min.
April 9, 1999: "Schaalruimte Beeldverwerking", Wiskundig Congres, Educatorium Utrecht University NL, 50 min.
March 16, 1999: "EEG and MEG Techniques", Regular course in Medical Informatics: Utrecht University, NL, 2 x 45 min.
March 11, 1999: "Computer Vision in Radiology: Technical aspects of computer-aided diagnosis", Refresher Course European Conference in Radiology, Vienna, Austria. 45 min.
March 16, 1999: "EEG and MEG Techniques", Regular course in Medical Informatics: Utrecht University, NL, 2 x 45 min.
February 23, 1999: "Standard X-ray, DSA and Computed Tomography: Technical Aspects", Regular course Physics of Medical Imaging: Utrecht Univ., NL, 4 x 45 min.
February 25, 1999: "Spiral Computed Tomography: Technical Aspects", Regular course Physics of Medical Imaging: Utrecht Univ., NL, 45 min.
February 16, 1999: "Computer Tomography: principles and image quality", Regular course in Medical Informatics: Utrecht University, NL, 2 x 45 min.
February 9, 1999: "Digital Subtraction Angiography: principles + image processing techniques", Regular course in Medical Informatics: Utrecht University, NL, 2 x 45 min.
February 2, 1999: "Classical X-ray Imaging techniques; interaction radiation - matter", Regular course in Medical Informatics: Utrecht University, NL, 2 x 45 min.
January 8, 1999: "Kanker in Beeld: Geavanceerde presentatievormen", Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie, Educatorium Utrecht University NL, 50 min. Host: prof. Frans Ramaekers.


November 11+12, 1998: "Introduction to Computer Supported Lecturing for Tutors", Course Medical Faculty, Utrecht University, Utrecht NL. 2 x 45 min., incl. computer lab 2 x 4 hours.
August 31 - September 23, 1998: "Medical Informatics and Perception", Regular course Medical Biology, 3rd year, Utrecht University, Utrecht NL. 20 x 45 min. Visual perception theory, image processing, informatics. Includes a 14-afternoons Mathematica computer lab. Co-tutor: prof. Guido Smoorenburg.
August 6, 1998: "Role of Computer Vison in Mass Digital X-ray Screening for Tuberculosis", FINEP-QTROP Colloquium on TBC Control Programs, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 45 minutes. Host: Prof. Claudo Costa Neto.
August 3-7, 1998: "Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision", PhD course / Lecture Series, Institute IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 10 hours. Host: prof. Jonas Gomes, IMPA.
July 9, 1998: "Multimodality Matching", BCN Postdoctoral Course and Summerschool, University of Groningen, Groningen NL, 2 hours. Host: dr. Jos Roerdink.
June 29 - July 3, 1998: "Multi-Scale techniques in Imaging and Vision", Summerschool: Taller sobre Procesamiento de Im gines y Visi n, Centro de Investigaci n en Matem ticas (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Mexico. 14 hours.
February 24, 1998: "Standard X-ray, DSA and Computed Tomography: Technical Aspects", Regular course Physics of Medical Imaging: Utrecht Univ., NL, 4 x 45 min.
February 25, 1998: "Spiral Computed Tomography: Technical Aspects", Regular course Physics of Medical Imaging: Utrecht Univ., NL, 45 min.
January 26, 1998: "Scale-Space Theory and Computational Models for Human Vision", Colloquium Medical Physics / Foundation for Neural Networks, Nijmegen University, Nijmegen NL. 60 min. host: prof. Stan Gielen.


November 12, 1997: "The use of Mathematica in the Medical Biology Curriculum", Transitorium III, Utrecht University, Utrecht NL. Symposium on Computer Assisted Education, 45 min. Host: prof. Albert Pilot, IVLOS.
October 15-28, 1997: "Front-End Vision and Multiscale Image Analysis", ASCI + Helmholtz PhD Research School, regular course, Utrecht University, 12 hours.
October 16, 1997: "Modern 3D Diagnostic Imaging", Descartes Conference Center, Utrecht University, Utrecht NL. 1 hour. Host: prof. Bekker.
September 1-26, 1997: "Medical Informatics and Perception", Regular course Medical Biology, 3rd year, Utrecht University, Utrecht NL. 20 x 45 min. Visual perception theory, image processing, informatics. Includes a 14-afternoons Mathematica computer lab. Co-tutor: prof. Guido Smoorenburg.
July 16, 1997: "3D Reconstruction and Visualization in Diagnostic Radiology", Annual Meeting Anatomical Society, Dept. of Anatomy, Edinburgh, Schotland. 1 hour.
July 1, 1997: "Tutorial on Scale-Space Theory", First Intern. Conference on Scale-Space theory in Computer Vision, Utrecht NL. 4 hours.
June 3, 1997: "3D Computer Vision", Conf. of the Research School Advanced School of Computing and Imaging ASCI, Center Parks 'het Heijderbos', Heijen, Belgium. 45 min.
April 17, 1997: "Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision", Colloquium Faculty of Physics, Groningen University, Groningen NL. Host: Marco Schippers. 1 hour.
April 16, 1997: "The Glass Patient", Colloquium Twente University 'Mathematical Applications in Medicine', Enschede, NL. Host: student union Abacus. 1 hour.
April 15, 1997: "Scale", Workshop Technical University Delft, Delft NL. Host: Harm Jonker. 1 hour.
March 6, 1997: "Computer Vision in Radiology: Technical Aspects", Refresher Course European Conference in Radiology, Vienna, Austria. 45 min.
January 16, 1997: "Multiscale Image Processing", Lectures in course in Medical Imaging. Technical University Delft, Dept. of Electrical Engineering. 2 hours. Host: Wijk van Briefingh.


December 12, 1996: "Modern Visualization Techniques in Diagnostic Radiology", Annual Meeting Dutch Society for Physiology, Papendal, Arnhem NL. 2 hours.
November 14, 1996: "Medical Informatics and Imaging", Philips RADOS users meeting, Theater Gooiland, Hilversum NL. Host: Frits Barneveld Binkhuysen. 45 min.
October 16+18, 1996: "Intelligence in PACS: advanced image processing", Sandwichcourse Dutch Society of Radiology, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht NL. 2 x 1 hour.
October 4, 1996: "Modern 3D Visualization Techniques in Diagnostic Radiology", Festive Meeting 25 years Philips CT, Evoluon, Eindhoven NL, 60 min.
September 22, 1996: "Scale-Space Theory in Medical Image Analysis", Tutorial Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing, Hamburg, Germany. Host: prof. Karl Heinz H hne. 4 hours.
September 20, 1996: "Virtual Reality and Medical Imaging", Central Military Hospital, Meeting on Advanced Diagnostic Radiology Applications, Utrecht NL. 45 min.
September 9-13, 1996: "Medical Informatics", Regular Course Medical Biology 3rd year, Utrecht University NL, 8 x 45 min.
September 2, 1996: "Anisotropic Diffusion Applications in Multidimensional Medical Imaging", Meeting of the Real World Computing Program, University of Amsterdam NL. 1 hour.
June 27, 1996: "Scale-Space Research at Utrecht University", 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Images, Wavelets and PDE's. cole Sup rieure des Telecommunications, Paris, France.
June 13, 1996: "Scale-Space Research at Utrecht University", Meeting EC/NSF Collaboration "Diffusion", Palo Alto, Hewlett Pachard Labs, California USA. Host: Guillermo Sapiro.
March 30, 1996: "Modern developments in Three-Dimensional Imaging for Radiology", Tawam Hospital, Al Ein, United Arab Emirates, 1 hour. Host: prof. Leif Ekelund
February 18, 1996: "Computer Vision: what is it?", HTS Enschede, Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Host: Christian ter Horst.
February 12, 1996: "Standard X-ray, DSA and Computed Tomography: Technical Aspects", Regular course Physics of Medical Imaging: Utrecht Univ., NL, 4 x 45 min.
February 13, 1996: "Spiral Computed Tomography: Technical Aspects", Regular course Physics of Medical Imaging: Utrecht Univ., NL, 45 min.
January 5, 1996: "3D Visualization Techniques for Diagnostic Radiology and Anatomy", Annual Conf. of the Dutch Anatomical Society, De Blijde Werelt, Lunteren NL, 60 min. Host: prof. Berend Hillen UU.


November 18, 1995: "Advanced Vessel Visualization Techniques", Annual Conf. of the Dutch Society for Angioplasty, Kurhaus Hotel, Scheveningen NL. Host: prof. Wijn, TUE.
May 18, 1995: "Scale and the Differential Structure of Images", Lecture Simon Stevin Colloquium, Technical University Eindhoven, NL. 1 hour.
April 11, 1995: "Advanced Image Analysis Techniques in Radiology", Colloquium Dutch Society of Medical and Biological Information Processing (VMBI), Ou'Daen City Castle, Utrecht NL. Host: Dr. Jan Helder. 1 hour.
October 20, 1995: "3D Images and Virtual Reality", Festive speaker National Congress 100 Years of X-rays, Congresgebouw, The Hague NL. 1 hour, adressing 2000 attendants.