Multi-scale Comput​er Vision

Summerschool: Taller sobre Procesamiento de Imagines y Vision, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Mexico, 3 July 1998

Summerschool: Taller sobre Procesamiento de​ Imagines y Vision,
Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Mexico
July 1998

"Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision"

Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-7 August 1998

Medical Image Analysis
Summer School, Cyberjaya, Malaysia, August 2002
Host: prof. Rajeswari Mandava

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia, January 2012.
Host: prof. Rajeswari Mandava, and wih Vesna Prckovska and Tim Peeters.

I was appointed honorary professor at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 2017-2019.

Right in class my host and dear friend,
prof. Ray Guang Cheng.

A meeting with (from right) prof. Ray Guang, prof. Chung-Ju Chang, prof. Shuo-Yan Chou and me in Taipei.

SSIMA is well-known by its high-level of speakers, among others: Nicos Paragios, Nicolas Ayache, Alejandro Frangi (best lecturer I know), Polina Golland, Andrei Broder, Dave Hawkes, George Verghese, Ovidiu Andronesi, Marius Leordeanu, Laurent Cohen, George Haber, Alex Vasilescu, Laurent Cohen, Stefan Carp, Natalia Trayanova, Wiro Niessen, Nahum Kiryati, Michal Guindy, Alon Wolf, Peter Meer and many others (and myself).

SSIMA Summer School, Romania

I am board member and co-founder (together with Lect. Elena Ovreiu and prof. Alfred Bruckstein) of SSIMA, the annual International Summer School on Imaging with Medical Applications in Romania, the largest medical imaging summer school in Eastern Europe.
With week-long editions from 2015-2019 in Sinaia, Bucharest, Brasov, Sibiu and Bucharest, editions 2020 and 2021 were skipped due to Covid-19. The 2022 edition is from 5-9 September 2022 in Orodea, Romania.

SSIMA website

Lecturing in the beautiful City Council Hall of Oradea, Romania, during SSIMA 2022.

At the SSIMA 2019 gala with Wiro Niessen (left) and Alex Frangi (right), which I both highly respect.